Minor cracks on your windshield can put you and your passengers at risk. Why is that? These cracks not only expand over time, but also weaken your windshield’s structural integrity, which keeps road debris, dust, dirt, rocks, bugs, and wind from hitting you.
Glas Tek Windshield Repair is here to help you restore the functionality of your damaged windshield. Thanks to our mobile windshield repair in St. Louis, we are able to go to your location and efficiently and effectively change out the glass so that you don’t have to drive a moment longer with a windshield you cannot trust.
Insurance Work for Windshield Repairs
Did you know that most insurance companies will cover most or all of the cost of your windshield repair? Our team works with all major insurance companies to help you get the repair you need while taking full advantage of your insurance coverage.
If you decide to file an insurance claim for a windshield repair or replacement, let us help. Just give us a call at (314) 922-7777 with your policy number ready. Also, please try to think of a day and location where the damage occurred, as the insurance representative will need that information as well.